This just came in, and thankfully so! This is I Am Harlequin, the brainchild of German-born but London-based Anne Frier. Ahead of her up and coming debut album, she's released the single Marianne and you my good people need to hear this.
Marianne is an wonderfully eccentric pop number, filled with interesting tempo switches and really showing off Anne's captivating vocal style. Something there in that little area between Kate Bush and Florence + The Machine (you know that little area, everyone's always talking about it.)
I am Harlequin - Marianne by AndygoesdowntoChinatown
"She would eat men up like sushi dishes on a conveyor belt in order to get her way. In the song, she convinces the main character to fall in love with her. He then falls prey to her game-playing and abuse" - Anne Frier on the inspiration for Marianne.
I used to go out with a Marianne...
Am I the dude in the song? Am I a sushi dish on a conveyor belt? Did she get her way with me? Who knows... But after reading that I'm starting to feel pretty used.
Right anyway I Am Harlequin is playing some bigger gigs in the near future.
May 29th - Brighton - Brighton Festival (Brighton Dome) (WHY OH WHY CRUEL WORLD?! I'M NOT THERE ANYMORE)
June 18th - Kent - GoGo Festival (Headcorn Aerodrome)
June 18th - London - The Big Mix Festival
August 13th - Newquay - Boardmasters Festival
August 27th - Leicestershire - Strawberry Fields FestivalIf in the vicinity check her out.
T-bone out.
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