Tuesday 21 June 2011

Just pondering, you know, about J-Lo and Justin Biebs

I was sitting around today thinking about stuff in general and then some other stuff. Then I got to thinking about how Gang Gang Dance's Mindkilla is possibly the best song of the year so far and how when the DJs before Crystal Castle's gig played it and it was better than the gig itself.

This got me thinking about another Gang Gang Dance tune, Dust from their previous album Saint Dymphna and how it always reminds me of Kula World. Anyone remember Kula World for the PS1? What a great game that was! Just rolling about as a beachball collecting fruits and keys. Back in the day when men were men and video games were video games.

Does Dust sound anything like Kula World? Well, um, not a lot. Feel like my memory's tricked me and am kind of worried as to what other visions have been distorted by time.

Then I was thinking about other stuff, like how many times does Jennifer Lopez say the word 'floor' in her new "hit" On the Floor?
Because I'm lazy + I didn't really want to listen to it any more than never, I googled "how many times does Jennifer Lopez say the word 'floor' in her new "hit" On the Floor?" and apparently she says it 21 times which is actually a lot less than I was expecting. A simple calculation tells me "floor" pops up every 12 seconds. (Justin Bieber says "never" 66 times in Never Say Never, once every 3 seconds.)

I think the repetition is meant to put me off the fact that the song's just a shit rip-off of Kaoma's Lambada. Unfortunately it hasn't. In fact I've heard a bunch of really annoying, stoned (and awful melodica players) hippies playing Lambada on melodicas in a park which has been better than J-Lo's version.
Also having Pitbull tell me how he's gonna bump me like a tonka truck and then incept and mess up my brain hasn't really worked in the track's favour. Call me old fashioned but I prefer being bumped into and then get issued a formal apology.


  1. I remember Kula World! What a trippy game :D And excellent, if I may add.

  2. Rautanen postaus. Nyt alko vietävästi harmittaa etten menny kattoo crystal castlesii, koska en päässy bailaa Mindkillaa. Sen jälkeen oisinki voinu lähtee kotiin. Samaa mieltä oon, että Mindkilla taitaa olla vuoden paras biisi ja voisin bailaa sitä joka paikas, jos sitä vaan soitettais.

    Muistan kans Kula Worldin. Tosin pelasin vaan demoversioo :/

    Niin ja jos Mindkilla on vuoden kovin biisi niin On The Floor taitaa olla vuoden kovin mainstream biisi. Koira tosin vois olla hiljaa niin kaikki olis paljon paremmin. Alkuperäinen vie silti voiton. Mindkilla + Lambada = vuoden bileet?


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