Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Little Britannia

Popped in the new English foodstuffs shop Little Britannia that opened up in the food market also known to some as Turun kauppahalli. Got some nice wicked stuff in there that I've really really missed.

I'm now fully stocked up on minstrels, sticky toffee pudding and fig rolls (actually just ate all of them).

bye bye fig rolls!!

Now if I could only get my hand on some crumpets.

Hello crumpets!!

Cool idea to open up an English shop and I hope there's some kind of market niche for it. So mosey on down there if you need to fill up your lucozade fridge. Top up your marmite shelf or you just insist on Walkers crisps.

Gary Lineker for England!


  1. Me thinks the salt & vinegar is most definitely there. Hell, maybe even prawn cocktail if we're lucky. No monster munch though :(

    Love monster munch.
    -pickled onion
    -flaming hot

    Oh lordy!

  2. No Monster Munch in Finland?!?! Good God, it's worse than I thought. No lucozade? What kind of a country you guys running over there?

  3. ya ship in da monster munchimos!! Did yis also get an XXL pot of marmite from mummyman. I don't have a toaster and have tried to be open-minded and stick it on everything. Marmite lives on toast, marmite loves toast. Marmite hates eggs, marmite hates little bread like biscuit look-a-likes. Do you want some marmite freakyface? Does anyone want marmite? I've gone off it a bit now...


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