Wednesday 1 June 2011

Emmy the Great - new stuff

Seeing as most of the time I'm just one person, I can't find out about everything.
I mean I love to tell people I know everything about everything but, at the end of the day, sometimes that's just an exaggeration of the fact that I know most things about most things.

But anyway, imagine how I came crashing down from my Mt. Olympus scale pedestal when I just pretty much now heard about Emmy the Great's new up and coming album 'Virtue' and I heard that everyone on the interwebz knew about it at least, what, 2 weeks ago.
I'm almost ashamed to wear this cool technicolour cape that says "most awesome internet-writing dude" on it in huge Helvetica fonted letters that I made for myself.

Almost ashamed but not quite. I have no time for shame. Between two jobs and just generally being awesome, I actually listened to some new Emmy and it had the same effect as she always has on me: Bringing out a huge smile and making me forget everything around me, just concentrating on her gorgeous (and super cute) voice.

There are no nearly-had babies here this time but if one of your songs is called Dinosaur Sex you know you're good in my books.

A Woman, A Woman, A Century of Sleep by Emmy The Great

RCRD LBL are giving away a free download of the track Century of Sleep ie. the above track here:

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