This time I was less victorious and was left sipping my ridiculously strong belgian beer and licking my wounds thinking about all the prizes that didn't go my way this time. A Robocop VHS, multiple "best of the 80's" casettes and a faux supersoaker. All in all some really great shit.
The beginning of this post is quite irrelevant to the actual subject of this post.
Yeah, that's right "Mr. I Can Read The Title" this post is about Mickey Mickey Rourke
I've written about Mickey Mickey Rourke on here before but that was about previous album Festival Bummer.
Now Miller's got a new album out and it goes by the name of M M R

M M R is more of the same dreamy stuff as was Festival Bummer and that's all fine and dandy because as the ancient Romans used to say:
why fix summit' that ain't broke?
M M R is a really lovely spaced out collection of tunes that are worthy of your invaluable eartime and like Festival Bummer, M M R is also a free download that you can get here
Mickey Mickey Rourke - M M R