Wednesday 9 June 2010

Mixtape #2

Howdy howdy.

The last time I compiled a mixtape it turned out kinda decent. I'm happy with decent so I thought the time was right for mixtape #2. So once again I've put together some cracking little tunes that I've been listening to and that probably most definitely won't make you dance, but will quite possibly make you go: "Hey, that's kinda good". Well that was my reaction anyhoos. Make your own mind up and then show the artists in question some love.

El tracklistos is:

1. Fiction - To Stick To
2. Houses - Endless Spring
3. Jai Paul - BTSTU
4. Kurt Vile - Ocean City
5. Teen Daze - Shine On, You Crazy White Cap
6. Aaron & The Sea - I Wanted You
7. Foxes In Fiction - Snow Angels
8. Melodica, Melody & Me - Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Feet
9. Mickey Mickey Rourke - COZE
10. Bronze - Horses
11. Neon Canyon - Libra
12. Ambassador Engine - Niigata (July 16, 2007)
13. Memory Screen - NLF
14. Ears In The Wall - Things We Forgot
15. Blackbird Blackbird - Sunspray
16. Coma Cinema - Flower Pills

Download it now. Go ahead. It's alright.

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