Wednesday 12 May 2010

Off to Brighton


Today'll be my last post for about a week. The reason for this being that I'm heading to Brighton for the Great Escape festival. With it's fantastic line-up in a about a million different venues located throughout the city, it's said to be like Europe's equivalent of SXSW. Hopefully!

Never been to a festival outside of Finland. Feeling kind of nervous. What if I can't handle the mean streets? What if the queues are so long I don't get to see anyone I want to. What if I have to settle for my kid brother playing the pots and pans in the kitchen? And mainly what if the missus drags me to see someone poo, when I just want to see the awesome Wild Beasts?

Just post a few videos here of stuff I'd like to see. All these questions permitting.
See ya in a week or so for my unexpansive festival report.

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't sure what would be the best way to say bye and have fun and say hi to dad so I googled. Here goes:
    You stay classy!
    May your spleen never transform into a solution to the European Union's impending energy crisis and become a battlefield for an upcoming war to end all wars.
    May your mouth never be conquered by a band of marauding Vikings.
    May your teeth never be replaced by freshly ironed wool socks.
    Inabit, inabizzle. Have fun foolios! bring me monster munch.


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