Tuesday 18 January 2011

Braids - Native Speaker

Canadian band Braids finally released their debut full length album Native Speaker all over the world today. It's quite the charmer. With no songs under the 4 minute mark, these aren't your typical "bash-one-out-in-a-few-minutes" pop songs. What Native Speaker is is a collection of gorgeous, ambient, cute and feisty, experimental shoegaze-pop.

Glass Deers is the song where singer Raphaelle's vocals really get to shine. The longer the song goes on you can tell she's also not afraid to add some quirkyness to the vocal delivery, giving the song an amazing feel of personality.

Lammicken is brilliant. Its pulsating bass evokes Burial & Four Tet's Moth. But again the vocals and harmonies give it a new dimension. The most post-dubstep tune on the album, and as you all know/will find out this year is looking to be post-dubstep's big year.
According to this Flow Festival concur and have booked the brilliant Actress.

Back to Braids then ya?

Title track Native Speaker is the longest track on the album at 8-and-a-half minutes but also one of the most soothing tunes I've laid my ears on since Brian Eno's Music for Airports album.

Possibly one for the end of the year lists (that is if I do any) if I can remember this far back. But for the time being Braids is staying on my speakers.


  1. tykkään tästä iiihan älyttömästi, vuoden paras levy ainakin so far. :--D tosin ehkä vähän häiritsee se kuinka paljon joistain biiseist (varsinki lemonade) tulee mieleen ancon feels. ja nyt kun sanoit tosta mothista niin en voi kyl olla kuulematta muuta... mut ei siinä mitää, superhienoi biisei molemmat!

  2. Ehkä joo hetkittäin tulee Feels viboi, mut sit taas Ancon Feelsiäkin kuunnellessa tulee vaan hetkittäin Feels viboi, koska ei siin musta oo mikään kovinkaan yhtenäinen tyylillinen linja.

    Mut hei maanantaina Sleigh Bells eik je?

  3. no joo kaipa toi on totta... mut silti, ekan kerran ku kuuntelin lemonadee niin piti ihan pysähtyy miettii et onks siin samplattu feelsii.

    ja kyllä! en mitenkää rakastanu treatsia mut eiköhän se livenä toimi.


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