Tuesday 8 February 2011

Chapel Club

In previous posts I've expressed my disappointment at some "more established bands" and their new records. So now I've been keeping more than one eye out for new records by new bands. One in particular is hugely hyped Chapel Club's album Palace which came out about a week ago on Interscope.

Someone might argue that they're just following very neatly in the footsteps of 80's revival acts such as White Lies, Editors, Big Pink etc. but any band that can add a snippet from Dream a Little Dream of Me and use it as their chorus without anyone even seeming to raise an eyebrow will have a special place in my ear canals. I'm talking about new single Surfacing which is also my personal favourite simply because of this little bit of cover-magic.

So with that little introduction from me go forth and explore. Enjoy. Fornicate. Whatever.
These guys are going to be/are already going places.


  1. Mäkin tykkäsin tästä levystä tosi paljon, erityisesti just toi Surfacing ja muut singlet on hienoja. Tapaamme varmasti best of 2011-listalla ;)

  2. Kenties kenties. Kivasti olit noista kirjoitellut aikaisemmin ja myös kiva blogi sulla!


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